EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
       when giving Bible studies Ev 457-8;9T 35;
    offered in faith will be answered LS 207;3T 209;
    only power that can deliver soul ensnared by Satan is 1T 299
    parents make hedge about children by 1T 398
    parents must labor with AH 533
    parents should offer, for strength and guidance 4T 200
    parents should press on with 1T 279
    parents should train children with CT 131
    persevering and: endowment of Spirit is obtained by 7T 32
       man must be aroused to PP 248
       needed for grace to resist Satan 2T 290
       Spirit is given in answer to 8T 22
    persevering and constant, need of 4T 542
    persistent and, need of COL 146
    plead in, for purity of soul 2SG 264
    reinforcement of angels brought by, in time of need MYP 53
    SS teachers and workers should be often in CSW 75-6
    safeguard against temptation CH 411
    Scriptures should be studied with CSW 25-6;Ev 364;FE 308;
    seek clear conception of duty by 4T 561