EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    seek counsel from Christ by MYP 140
    seek God in, for guidance 6BC 1054
       for help in miss. work WM 92
    seek help to do work for God in 9T 129
    seek to know God through FE 441
    sense of need leads to COL 172
    servants of God should be given to GC 622
    should take place of ease and indifference 2SG 280
    show world by, what God desires His church to be ML 335
    solemn vows are renewed and kept through strength gained by SL 11
    sound of: devils tremble at MYP 53
       Satan is enraged at 1T 295
       Satan’s whole host trembles at 1T 346
    spirit of, nothing can prevent lifting up heart in SC 99
    stability of character given by CH 362;MM 294;
    sweet fellowship held with Christ through 1SM 405
    trials afford opportunity to seek God in 1SM 117
    union with Christ is preserved by 5T 231
    vigor of mind given by CH 362;MM 294;
    when men ask in, God grants their desire GW 255