EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Reason actions should be regulated by 2T 325    [199]
    person possessing, has power to choose Ed 289
    perverted, of deceived souls 3T 353
    place of divine truth must not be usurped by 8T 298
    rationalism idolizes GC 193
    rationalism makes, criterion for religion GC 193
    reins no longer held by, when under influence of wine and cider Te 92
    reins of control in Christian must be held by AA 311
    reins of self-control left by, to fall upon neck of lust 5T 366
    remonstrates at times 4T 351
    sacrificed to delusion 1T 231
    sanctified: appetites should be ruled by Te 12
       by divine grace MH 130;ML 70;MYP 134;PK 489;
       consult, with Bible open before you MM 99
       kingly power of MH 130;ML 70;MYP 134;PK 489;
       move more from 4T 139
       should bear sway in life MH 130;ML 70;MYP 134;PK 489;
       take counsel of 7T 214
       unholy passion must be kept under control of CT 257;GW 365;
    sharp and clean-cut, legislators need Te 280
    sober, danger of setting aside decisions of 2T 226