EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Reason actions should be regulated by 2T 325    [199]
    Abigail’s, helped convince David of error RC 333.4
    ability for, used in view of eternity TDG 271.4
    ability needed for UL 53.3
    accountability for TMK 93.2
    actions to be controlled by UL 139.2
    Adam was expected to use judgment and Con 12.2
    affections in unity with TDG 23.2
    amusement scenes pervert; ministers often lead out Con 65.2
    appetite allowed to control,
       led Israelites into sin Con 39.3
       perseverance in self-denial Con 77.2
    beauty and truth to be impressed on HP 16.5
    blinded unless one is under Christ’s yoke UL 23.2
    body appetites and passions brought under control of Con 74.3
    bring to God refined and sanctified OHC 43.5
    Christ revealed by unselfish exercise of TMK 164.5
    Christlikeness in 3SM 130.2
    control of,
       by grace to rule human lives RC 292.5
       by Satan are made carnal 1MCP 22.3