EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       may make mistakes MYP 338;1SM 360;
    persons feeling no need of, sanitariums can make impressions on 6T 226
    persons who hunger and thirst after, promise to DA 302
    persons who seek, dwell on themes of great salvation TM 87
    pervades God’s law CG 69
    placed on souls who repent and believe on Him COL 169-70
    placed to account of: every believing soul 1SM 394
       repentant debtor ML 273
    plan whereby men might be justified by 8T 208-9
    plant standard of, in church TM 407
    plead for, to be imputed to you 5T 219
    present, as light lost sight of for a time 1SM 384
    presented as sweet incense before God for us COL 156
    priceless gift of, imparted to helpless human agent TM 92
    principle of life that transforms character is DA 555-6
    produces good works from pure and unselfish motives 3T 528
    received by all who come to Him in faith 1SM 392
    receiving, there are conditions to 1SM 377
    relationship of obedience to, in Christian life 1BC 1118
    represented to us by God’s messengers COL 317