EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    revelation of, loud cry of third angel already begun in 7BC 984
    robe(s) of: all men may obtain 2T 453
       all the redeemed will wear MH 506
       all who enter City of God will have on SD 66, 370
       all who have put on, stand as chosen, faithful, and true 5T 471
       all who pass scrutiny of great King will have put on COL 312
       alone can make us meet to appear in God’s presence ML 311
       alone can protect us from judgments coming on earth CW 24
       brought by Christ to put on sinner SD 66
       Christ offers, to Laodiceans 7BC 965-6
       Christ reveals Himself to souls willing to be clothed with 7T 71
       Christianity means to wear TM 131
       church must stand unsullied in GW 501
       clothe yourself in 5T 511
       fate of souls who do not have 1SM 81
       filthy garments must be exchanged for 5T 472
       God accepts only those persons who have put on COL 312
       has in it no thread of human devising COL 311
       life inwrought with Christ’s life means that one is wearing TM 131
       man without wedding garment on represents believers who have not put on COL 315