EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    apart from Christ we have no 1SM 333
    attained only through faith 6BC 1073
    cannot be attained by your own efforts to keep God’s law MB 54-5
    ceremony cannot take place of 5BC 1086
    Christ alone can cover our nakedness with His SD 25
    Christ becomes, to repentant sinner 6BC 1073;1SM 367;
    Christ becomes our, when we do our best 1SM 368
    Christ bore our sins in order that He might impart to us His CM 43-4
    Christ covers us with His MH 37
    Christ died that He might ascribe His, to repentant sinner 1SM 312
    Christ is our 6BC 1073;1SM 367;6T 267;
    Christ must be our 3T 526
    Christ our, foundation of Christianity is 5T 725
       subject that will swallow up every other is SD 259
    Christ places His own, upon repenting and believing ones COL 169-70
    Christ taught, that is conformity to God’s revealed will DA 310
    Christ will clothe His faithful ones with His GC 484
    Christ’s subjects are those persecuted for sake of MB 8
    clad in whole armor of, we can meet any influence and keep our purity untarnished 4T 556
    defined by standard of God’s law SC 61