EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    different from that of Pharisees, Christians must obtain MB 54-5
    divine standard of, God’s law is PK 170
    each person must hunger and thirst after, for himself TM 385
    each person must work out his own, through Christ’s grace TM 488
    earnest longing after, understanding of Bible truth depends on GC 599
    encouragement to strive after SC 87-8
    essence of all, loyalty to Christ is COL 97-8
    every deed of, will be immortalized 2T 683
    everyone must deliver his soul by his own 5T 215
    faith that was accounted unto Abraham for PP 370
    false robe of, persons who lose their SL 11
    first deviation from, guard against 6T 265
    foundation of God’s throne is CH 458
    fruit of, life that reveals MYP 74
    fruits of, love of God must pervade soul in order for it to produce 4T 610
       truth deeply rooted in heart will bear 3T 59
    garments of, we must clothe ourselves in SD 133
    given freely to every soul hungering and thirsting for it MB 18
    God demands perfect, as our only title to heaven 6BC 1072
    God orders every thing in 5T 302