EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    God’s: characterizes all His works and laws 1SM 198
       embodied in Christ MB 18
       goes before gospel workers fulfilling Isaiah 58 8T 170
       great mountain of, quibbler is not awed by DA 468
       imputed to men in Christ 1SM 155
       is absolute 1SM 198
       is presented to men by His law MB 54
       living faith in Christ brings actions and emotions into harmony with 4T 527
       we receive, by receiving Christ MB 18
       will continue as source of blessing MB 50
    God’s great, regulate every word and deed by MYP 134
    God’s law demands 6BC 1073;DA 762;1SM 367;
    great deception that mere assent to truth constitutes DA 309
    great men of God do not claim, of their own COL 160
    great moral standard of, God’s law is 6BC 1069;7BC 951;
    great rule of character is CT 449
    great standard of, God’s law is FE 238;1SM 211;5T 561;TM 448;
       presented in OT is not lowered in NT 6BC 1073
       see if your life and character are in harmony with God’s 5T 533
    greatest deception in Christ’s time was that mere assent to truth constitutes DA 309