EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       holiness MB 18
       likeness to God MB 18
       love MB 18
       obedience to God’s law 6BC 1073;1SM 367;
       rightdoing COL 312
    is not: cowardice PP 135
       destructive to health 1T 502
    Israelites of Moses’ time dimly understood what constitutes 1SM 238
    Jews built themselves up in self-sufficient formalism by seeking to establish their own PK 708-9
    Jews could not attain to, by their own efforts to keep God’s law MB 54
    Jewish priests and rulers regarded their own, as sufficient AA 15
    justifying, Christ is great depositary of 1SM 398
    knowledge that Christ is our, hope should be constantly strengthened by 5T 742
    law’s demand for, sinner cannot meet 6BC 1073;1SM 367;
    light of, can shine into hearts darkened by sin MH 266
    love for: must reign in soul 5T 43
       true obedience springs from COL 97
    love for Christ makes us disgusted with our own 1SM 328
    man’s own: is as filthy rags 2T 553
       is not sufficient 5T 510