EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    past, that will not save man from God’s wrath 4aSG 87
    penitent sinner can attain to, only through faith 6BC 1073
    perfect, of God’s law is offered to men in Christ MB 55
    perfect, perfect obedience to God’s law is SC 62
    person who does, is righteous MB 149
    persons sensing their deep soul poverty may find, by looking to Christ MB 8
    persons who enter heaven will not scale its walls by their own SD 233
    Pharisaical: distorting nature of DA 472
       external ceremonies and theoretical knowledge of truth constituted DA 309
       trusted to good works for salvation 3T 173
    Pharisee’s, was his own COL 151
    Pharisees’ so-called, could never enter kingdom of heaven DA 309
    pretended zeal for, warning against DA 487
    principles of: are foundation of God’s government PP 522
       Christian is to defend 6T 427
       must be enshrined in heart DA 307
       revealed by God to shield us from results of transgression DA 308
       rewards of persons who put into practice PK 704
    received by receiving Christ MB 18
    representing Christ’s character, we must have 4BC 1151