EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    representing truth in, result of TM 357
    required by God’s law, is free gift obtained through Christ MB 55
    rich young ruler had high estimate of his own DA 518
    robe of: Christ’s merits clothe us with Ev 186
       God will cover you with COL 206
       God will not cover evil with His SD 13
       he who gains heaven must be clothed with SD 8
       prodigal son returning to God is covered with COL 206
       used to cover false and dangerous theories Ev 360
       white and bright, available to all 2T 453
    sacrifice Christ made that He might impart to us His SD 124
    Satan leads men to call sin GC 192
    Sermon on Mount describes, that all who enter heaven will possess MB 77
    sinful man can attain to, only by faith in God and vital connection with Him DA 310
    sinful man can find, only in God TM 367, 494
    sinner can attain to, only by faith 1SM 367
    sinner is incapable of rendering 6BC 1073
    sinner owes, to God’s law 6BC 1073
    so-called, danger of being clothed with garments of 8T 250
    soul’s hunger for, Christ made ample provision to satisfy 2T 266