EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
    within: does not make man hardhearted and unsympathetic MYP 35
       is testified to by righteousness without MYP 35
    work of, ledger of heaven records faithful student’s CT 98
    works of: believers who laud and flatter minister while neglecting 5T 227
       Christ working in us does SC 63
       faith in Christ is needed to receive power to do DA 608
       how God works in us SC 63
       rabbis divorced, from religion DA 309
    world is opposed to CH 20
    worthless, before conversion Paul possessed 7BC 905
       Pharisees set great value on MB 53
    your, is of no value to God 3T 338
    See also Self-righteousness
    acceptance of Christ’s, as our own by faith FW 70.2
    appearance of; pretense TSB 157.3
    available by Christ’s death; view of His work LHU 238.3
    awakening of those holding truth in TDG 311.4
    beholding God’s, transfigures us TDG 50.2
    blinded to meaning of, when without humility TDG 326.2
    boasting of,