EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Roman Catholic Church abuses of, denounced by Duke George of Saxony before Diet of Worms GC 149-50    [237]
    heresy of eternal torment of the wicked adopted by SR 333
    heyday of, world’s condition in GC 60
    history of, policy of deception marked GC 591
       Satan’s cruelty revealed by GC 570
    homage to: Protestant churches by Sunday observance pay GC 448-9, 580
       Sunday observance as GC 449;SR 383;
       USA will enforce observance that will be GC 442
       USA will not be alone in giving GC 579
       will be paid in both Old and New World GC 579
    in Scotland, four centuries of oppression by GC 249
       Knox (John) was used to strike death knell of GC 250
    incentives offered to people by, to destroy Waldenses GC 77
    infallibility claimed by GC 50, 57, 564
    influence of, far from destroyed in countries she once dominated GC 579
    Inquisition established by, in thirteenth century GC 59
    insinuation of, into national affairs GC 580
    inspiration of pope claimed by GC 193
    institution of, significance of enforcement of 5T 713
    invocation of saints established by GC 58;SR 333;
       attracts minds from Christ GC 568