EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Roman Catholic Church abuses of, denounced by Duke George of Saxony before Diet of Worms GC 149-50    [237]
    accession of, to power marked beginning of Dark Ages GC 55;SR 331;
    adoration of Virgin Mary established by GC 58;SR 333;
    aims of GC 563-81
       Protestant churches in great darkness re GC 565
       to re-establish her power GC 581
    America will help 6T 18
    anti-Christian power TM 37
    as Babylon the Great GC 382-3 See also Babylon
    authority of, change of Sabbath as sign or mark of GC 448
    Babylon the Great of Revelation 17 symbolizes GC 382-3
    banner of, Sunday enforcement will bring Protestant world under GC 448
    Bible withheld from people by GC 340, 388, 596
    blind faith required by, in her dogmas GC 281
    boast of, that she never changes GC 57, 564, 581
    ceremonial of, impressive GC 566
    character of, men are closing their eyes to real GC 566
       Scriptures reveal real GC 572
    church controlling power of state GC 443
    church leaders following in track of TM 362
    churches of Africa forced by, to exalt Sunday instead of Sabbath GC 577-8