EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    efforts made to effect GC 52-4
    Eusebius of Caesarea quoted re GC 574
    for spurious sabbath 2SM 105
    fulfills prophecy GC 446
    God has not made EW 33, 255;GC 455;LS 101;PK 184-5;
    mark (sign) of Roman Church’s authority is Ev 234-5;GC 448;SR 383;
    no evidence found in favor of GC 434-5
    no Scripture authority for GC 447
    not attempted openly at first SR 329
    papacy authorized GC 446
    papacy made 4BC 1169;GC 446-7;
    papacy made breach in God’s law by GC 453
    papal power made GC 452;TM 140;
    papal power took seal from God’s law by GC 452
    pope exalted himself above God by EW 65;GC 446;
    pope made, from seventh to first day of week EW 33, 65;GC 446;LS 101;
    Protestants generally admit Bible gives no authority for GC 447
    Roman Catholic Church made TM 140
    Roman Catholics acknowledge that papacy made GC 447-8, 577