EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    Satan will appear as false christ claiming to have authorized GC 624
    Satan’s objectives in 7BC 975;EW 215-6;GC 53-4;PK 183-4;PP 336;9T 229;
    Satan’s plan for making EW 215-7;TM 472-3;
    Scriptures record no SR 380
    seal taken from God’s law by GC 452
    unconsecrated church leaders used by Satan to make GC 52-4
13. Clothing worn on MYP 349;6T 355;
    at church services 6T 355
    be careful re, for worship before God 1T 275
    boots and shoes for, should not be blacked and brushed on the day CG 528;6T 355;
    farmers’ 2SM 474-5
    proper, poor believers should be helped in obtaining 2SM 475
    sacred regard for the day should be shown by 2SM 476
    should be neat, well-fitting, and comely 2SM 474-5;6T 355;
       without adornment 6T 355
    should not be: dusty and soiled CG 428
       that worn throughout week CG 428;2SM 474-5;6T 355;
    should not conform to worldly fashions 6T 355
    should not have gaping rents CG 428