EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    pointed forward to: Christ’s death PP 363, 576
       Christ’s sacrifice 1SM 237
    pointed to: Christ’s death 6BC 1109;PP 72, 576;SR 50;
       Christ’s sacrifice on the cross PP 72
       great and perfect offering of Christ SR 50-1
       Lamb of God AA 424-5
       Redeemer to come to be great Sacrifice for man 3SG 47;SR 52;
    pointed to Christ PP 547;1SM 233;
       as great antitypical Sacrifice PP 576
    pompous ceremonies of, during Feast of Tabernacles DA 448
    prefigured: Christ as Lamb without blemish 4aSG 76
       Christ’s death AA 189;PP 120;1SM 114;SR 305-6;
       Christ’s death as man’s Sacrifice SR 50
       sacrifice of Christ 1BC 1104;2BC 1010;5BC 1137;6BC 1095;
       Saviour to come 6BC 1095
       sinless offering of Christ 4aSG 69
    prefiguring Christ’s death, Satan led men to counterfeit PP 120
       Satan sought to bring contempt upon PP 120
    priests presenting, were as actors in a play DA 36
    ram provided by God for, instead of Isaac DA 112-3, 468-9;PP 153;