EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    regulations for, written out by Moses SR 171-2
    represented Christ DA 50
    representing Christ were to be spotless MH 130;PK 489;
    required of Jews 4T 467
    rivers of blood flowed from, during Feast of Tabernacles 1BC 1107
    sacrifice of red heifer as, meaning of 4T 121-3
    Samuel offered, at Mizpeh PP 590-1
    Satan led men to counterfeit, after Flood PP 120
    Satan led men to offer, only to appease God’s wrath DA 115
    Satan sought to bring contempt upon PP 120
    shadowy, Christ and His mission were typified in DA 220
    shed blood of, pointed to sacrifice of Lamb of God COL 126
    specific directions given re, by God PP 576
    star of hope in, to illuminate dark and terrible future SR 50
    symbolized Christ’s death for salvation of man 1SM 106-7
    time for cessation of, came in spring of A.D. 31 DA 233;GC 327-8;PK 699;
       only perfect Sacrifice DA 157
       Saviour to come 3SG 52
    typified Christ’s sacrifice 1BC 1110;7BC 913;6T 249;