EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
       as Lamb of God 7BC 932
    virtue of all, was derived from blood of atonement 4aSG 104
    were: meaningless after Christ’s death DA 165
       means to an end, and not an end DA 286
       only a type of Christ PP 430
       ordained by God PP 68
       perpetual reminder of man’s sin PP 68
       shadows of good things to come AA 424
       types and symbols of Christ 7BC 933
       typical of Christ 4aSG 118
       worthless without penitence, faith, and obedient heart PP 634
    were designed to: express offerer’s penitence for sin, faith in Christ, and pledge to obey God’s law in future PP 634
       remind men of sin and Christ’s coming sacrifice 3SG 47;SR 50, 52;
       reveal God’s love to men DA 115;PK 685-6;
    were object lesson 1SM 233
       of God’s love revealed in Christ 6BC 1109
    were of no value: in themselves in God’s sight DA 286;PP 634;
       without true repentance 2BC 1001
       continue until the death of Christ 3SG 304