EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    Christ shadowed forth in TMK 101.4
    every bleeding, typified the Lamb of God OHC 47.2
    fire consuming, compared with response to prayer CC 256.4
    pledge of pardon through Christ Con 23.2
    reason for so many UL 219.3
       saw Redeemer in; plan to rule and blind people Con 25.1
       watched, and saw that they showed atonement Con 22.1, 24.0
       suspension of,
in courtyard when high priest entered holy place TMK 73.3
       propitiatory, on Day of Atonement LHU 319.2
    system of,
       ceased at the cross TMK 17.4
       Christ was the key to; poorly understood LHU 31.3
       Christ’s death kept before sinner by TMK 17.2
       ended UL 100.2
       represented Christ TMK 101.2
    See also Offerings, ceremonial
7. Typical system of
    Adam taught, to his descendants 3SG 52, 301