EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    fallen man can show that he will make, for Christ’s sake MYP 98
    foundation of plan of salvation was laid in 3T 387
    God gave His Son as, to save us 8T 234
    God requires Christians living in last days to make 1T 170
    God requires no less, of His people now than He did of Jews 2T 574, 599
    God requires the poor to make WM 203
    God wants something in return for great, that He made for us MYP 346
    God will not compel anyone to make, for His cause EW 50-1
    God’s gift of His Son to save us was greater and more wonderful, than man could ever make DA 469
    God’s people should make, for each other 2SG 245
    God’s work calls for, at every step of advance CH 300;Ev 631;
    God’s work must be carried forward through 6T 449
    gospel work calls for 2T 635
    great: do not think we have made 4T 228
       life is not made up of ML 172
    greatest, ever made was gift of Christ as propitiation for lost world DA 565
    heathen systems of, were perversion of system God appointed DA 28
    holy and without blemish, God’s people are to be MH 130
    individual, is required of all of us 1T 222
    infinite, plan of salvation involved all heaven in PP 64