EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
       will bring its reward 2SG 129-30
    made for God’s sake: is faithfully chronicled in heaven LS 157
       will bring its reward LS 157
    made in Christ’s service will be recompensed DA 249
    make: by self-denial in order to give to God’s cause EW 121-2;2SG 249-50;
       for God’s cause by depriving yourself of some gratification EW 121-2
       for truth and become rich toward God 2T 246
    make covenant with God through, before time of trouble EW 56-7
    making little and stunted, for God TM 395
    many believers have taken, from God’s altar 1T 140
    many people shrink from idea of making, for good of others 2T 31
    marks Christian’s life AA 523
    most costly, seems too cheap to give MM 317
    most painful, things worth possessing are sometimes obtained by 3T 255
    multitudinous, true spirit of devotion is not manifested in DA 278
    must be made for interests of God’s cause 3T 500
    no, is too great to make to win souls to Christ Ev 465-6
    no one is too poor to make daily, for Christ MM 334
    no one will enter heaven without making 1T 126
    not increasing will decrease and be consumed EW 57;1T 492, 636;