EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    architect of, Bezaleel as CT 59-60
       Christ was COL 349
    ark of covenant never returned to, during interval from Eli’s death till Solomon’s temple was built PP 514
    at Shiloh 300 years PP 514
    builders of: Bezaleel and Aholiab as CT 59-60 See also Aholiab;Bezaleel;
       given skill and wisdom by Christ COL 349
       God gave wisdom and skill to 1BC 1108;2BC 1027;CT 59-60;FE 315;PK 62;7T 94, 132, 142;
       Spirit was placed on CT 59;GC 414;
       talented and skillful men employed as DA 208;4aSG 155;
    called tent of congregation 2T 611
    ceiling and roof of, curtains that formed DA 208;Ed 36;GC 412, 414;PP 347, 349;4aSG 9;SR 155;
    Christ instructed Israel from 2BC 994
    cleansing of: blood of animals was used in GC 417-8
       by high priest once a year GC 418
       ceremony of, lessons taught by GC 419
       duty of Israelites during GC 419-20, 430-1, 489-90;PP 355;
       Hebrews 9 plainly speaks of GC 417
       high priest performed, on Day of Atonement GC 419, 433
       OT Scriptures tell of GC 417