EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       prefigured Christ’s closing work of removing or blotting out His people’s sins from heavenly records GC 352
       scapegoat’s role in See Scapegoat
       typical, was accomplished by removal of sins which polluted it GC 421;SR 378;
       was closing work of atonement GC 352
       was last service high priest performed in his yearly round of ministration GC 352
       was removal or putting away of sin from Israel GC 352
       yearly round of priestly ministration closed with PP 358
    cloud of glory rested over PP 349, 377, 379, 385;4aSG 10-1;
    construction of: acacia (shittim) wood was used in PP 347
       all Israel was to co-operate in Ed 37
       as object lesson in character building Ed 286
       Christ instructed Moses re 6BC 1063
       completion of PP 349-50, 374-5;4aSG 10;SR 153;
       costly materials used in Ed 36;PK 61;PP 343;SR 152;
       God arranged every detail of 7T 94
       God required exactness, skill, tact, wisdom in 7T 142
       God’s people were to provide material for 1BC 1108;PP 343-4;4aSG 5;SR 151;
       gold used in PP 344-9;5T 268;