EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       God weighs moral character in SD 60
       offerings of the poor are weighed in WM 203
    gospel worker’s labor should be in harmony with Christ’s work in 4T 395
    grateful praise ascends as sweet incense to 2SM 272
    He who dwells in, judges righteously COL 176
    how there could be sin connected with GC 418-22
    illuminating influence from 2T 184
    important truths re, earthly sanctuary and its services taught GC 414
    inner court of, spiritual eyesight is needed to discern 6T 368
    investigative judgment in, threefold message of Revelation 14 is to prepare men to stand in GC 436
    investigative judgment is going on in GC 479-91;LS 278;SD 355;
    irrevocable decision of, destiny of world will be forever fixed at pronouncement of GC 615
       inhabitants of earth will not know when, will be pronounced GC 615
    is: abiding place of King of kings GC 414;PP 357;
       center of Christ’s redemptive work for man GC 488;PP 349;
       God’s dwelling place GC 415
       great original GC 414;PP 357;SR 377;
       invisible to human sight DA 166
       opened in heaven 6T 368
       sanctuary of new covenant GC 413, 417