EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    our religious services, prayers, praise, and penitent confession of sin ascend as incense to Christ in 6BC 1078;1SM 344;
    our sins should be blotted out before Christ leaves EW 48
    outpouring of Spirit on Pentecost carried minds of disciples to, from earthly sanctuary AA 39;EW 260;
    prayer and confession are to be offered only to Christ in 7BC 913
    prayers of God’s people ascend to Christ in DA 667;EW 32;
    priestly ministration was to be removed from earthly sanctuary to DA 166
    rays of light shining from, seek 2T 195
    removal of sinner’s record of sins from GC 421-2, 483, 485-6, 658;PP 357-8;SR 378;
    scenes connected with, should so impress our minds and hearts that we may be able to impress others 5T 575
    seek to become perfect in Christ now while Christ makes atonement in GC 623
    seraphim are shining guardians of GC 414 See also Seraphim
    services of, sacrifices and offerings of Mosaic ritual pointed to PK 685
       services of earthly sanctuary foreshadowed GC 413, 418-22, 428;PK 684-5;PP 343, 352-8;
    SDA doctrine re, Spirit has witnessed to Ev 224
    sins of God’s people stand on record in, until final atonement PP 357
    sincere prayer not fluently expressed ascends to Christ in DA 667
    sincere prayers are presented by Christ in, to Father 7BC 930;DA 667;
    solemn work going on in: awake to 1SM 122
       institutional workers must keep, constantly in mind 5T 420-1
       study constantly 5T 520