EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    third angel’s message is given to direct believers’ minds to 1SM 67
    threshold of, is flushed with glory for church that loves God and keeps His commandments 6T 368
       is flushed with glory shining on persons opening windows of their souls heavenward 7BC 930
    throne of God in See Throne
    took place of earthly sanctuary when Christ ascended to heaven EW 260
    transfer of repentant sinner’s sins to GC 418-22;PP 354-7;SR 378;
    truth(s) re: earthly sanctuary taught GC 414-5
       involves acknowledgment of claims of God’s law GC 435
       midnight cry of 1844 was to prepare men for EW 260-1
       some men will form new theories denying Ev 224
       Christ’s priestly ministry in EW 253-4;GC 428-9;
       light has been streaming from PP 367-8
       two holy places in earthly sanctuary were patterns of GC 414;PK 685;PP 356;
    type of, earthly sanctuary was DA 166
    vastness and glory of, no earthly structure could represent GC 414;PP 357;
    visions given to EGW re EW 36, 54-6, 244, 250-5, 260-1;1SM 74;
       on Apr. 3, 1847 EW 32-3;LS 100-4;
       on Jan. 5, 1849 LS 116
       on March 24, 1849 EW 42-3, 86