EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
    dealing with patients, duty of 4T 548
    dealings with, decided reforms needed in CH 314
    demanding larger wages 2SM 198
    deviation of, from principles of health reform 4T 577
    diet of CD 297
    disagreeable or uncouth, should be dismissed MM 173
    disregarding rules and order, warning to MM 141
    dissatisfied CH 282-3
    do not allow, to overwork MM 212
    do not always do for themselves what they ought CH 422
    do not compel, to adopt two-meal system CD 177
    do not employ too many inexperienced persons as CH 292;MM 173-4;
    duty of, re courtship and marriage MM 141
       when emergency arises MM 176-7
    early SDA, proclaimed truth with convincing power 8T 155
    educational advantages should be provided for CH 315
    employ more men sound and solid in principle as MM 173
    employed in large institutions, required to wait on many people not really sick MM 159
    employment of 8T 225
    engaged in holy warfare 7T 68