EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sanitarium worker, Sanitarium workers CH 292-3, 314-5;MM 144-5, 206-7;7T 95-8;    [256]
    example of, should enforce their teachings 4T 569
    experienced and efficient, need of MM 173-4
    exposed to temptation continually 7T 70
    extremes in diet of, should be avoided CD 206-7
    extremes should be avoided by 4T 565
    failing to represent health reform correctly should be separated from institution 4T 582
    faithful 4T 554-64
       angels co-operate with 8T 155
    faithful and conscientious persons should be employed as CH 314
    first work of 4T 562
    flesh food should be discarded by MM 285
    flesh foods should not be served to CD 297, 414
    give, chance to learn to bear responsibilities 8T 148
    gospel can be made attractive by MM 208
    gossiping with patients MM 212
       are curse to institution MM 212-3
       should be dismissed MM 212
    guilty of indiscretion, warning to MM 141
    guilty of insubordination, warnings to MM 141
    harsh word should not be spoken by 7T 68