EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    guilt of, stood forth without excuse after Christ’s death GC 502
    persecution of Christ to death by, completely uprooted him from affections of universe 7BC 974;DA 761;
    casting out or down of, when Christ died on cross DA 626, 758-64
    fall of, like lightning, when Christ died 5BC 1150
    Christ’s triumph over, hosts of unfallen worlds rejoiced over MB 104
    destruction of, Christ’s death forever made certain 5BC 1132;7BC 925-6;DA 764;PP 70;
    head of, crushed by Christ on cross PK 701
    work of, restricted at Christ’s death DA 761
    council of devils held by, after Christ’s death EW 178
    knew at resurrection of Christ that he must be destroyed EW 182
    kingdom of, doomed by Christ’s resurrection DA 782
    council of devils held by, after Christ’s resurrection EW 182-3
5. From Christ’s ascension to His second advent
    council of devils and, after Christ’s ascension EW 191-2
    insinuated himself into early church GC 42-3
    resolved to gather Christian world under his banner GC 53
    exalted during French Revolution GC 284
    supreme homage paid to, in French Revolution GC 273
    council of devils and, to ensnare SDA TM 472-5
    fire will be caused to come down from heaven by, in sight of man MM 88