EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

6. During millennium EW 289-91;GC 657-61;
    confined with his angels to desolate earth EW 290;GC 485, 658-60;
    not permitted to visit other worlds to tempt and annoy them EW 290;GC 659;
    judged with his angels by Christ and the redeemed EW 290-1;GC 660-1;
    hopes revived, on seeing the wicked resurrected GC 663
    wonders will be wrought by GC 663
    wicked will be deceived by EW 53, 293;GC 663;
    preparation of the wicked by, for war against New Jerusalem EW 53, 293;GC 664;
    march of, with army of the wicked against Holy City EW 53;GC 664-5;
    Christ will appear on high throne to judge, and rest of the wicked EW 293-4;GC 665;SR 421-6;
    final coronation of Christ before, and his hosts EW 53-4;GC 666, 668-9;SR 421-6;
    panoramic view of great controversy presented before GC 666;SR 423;
    final judgment of PP 79
    unmasked and paralyzed by exposure of his character and wickedness GC 668-71;SR 427;
    constrained to acknowledge God’s justice GC 670-1;SR 427;
    will confess: justice of God’s government PP 339
       righteousness of God’s law PP 339
    object of universal abhorrence GC 670
    attempt of, to rally the wicked for last struggle against God EW 294;GC 671-2;SR 427-8;