EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    responsibility for anyone snared by, as neighbor RC 252.3
    results of evil work not seen by, when begun UL 114.3
    revelation of, God permits Mar 110.5
    rich in this world’s goods HP 168.4
    right doing has a power that cannot be overcome by FLB 72.2
    righteous opposed by forces of UL 42.2
    ruin of the soul plotted by TMK 240.3
    safety from, See Satan, protection from schemes/devices of,
       Christ wants us to understand FW 93.1
       discerned through close connection with God HP 184.5
       ignorance of, or overpowered by them 1MCP 24.1
       not quickly discerned by unbelievers OHC 154.4
       penetrated by Christ’s righteousness TMK 346.5
       pray and watch with a knowledge of TDG 27.3
       prayer considered not essential HP 90.4
       solicit us disguised in garments of light OHC 88.2
       souls ensnared by, go blindfolded to TMK 301.3
       to lead into little sins TMK 252.2
       understand UL 101.3
       understood by those dwelling on Jesus TDG 141.3