EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       See also Satan, deceptions of; Satan, sophistries of
    school of, do not learn warfare in UL 270.2
    science of, mind given to the control of another is 1MCP 46.3
    scorn and passionate utterance inspired by HP 174.4
    seat of, is here; world claimed as his territory TDG 84.3
    secrecy methods taught by UL 294.6
    seeing only, and his power when Christ is everything FW 73.2
    self looked to under bewitching power of FW 27.2
    self-exalted ones accept science of UL 115.2
    self-gratification is the plan of, for humans TMK 222.2
    self-righteous ones serve cause of, more than profligate TDG 197.4
    sentiments of, masterly power exerted by 1MCP 28.3
       God and people CC 312.2
       you from Christ UL 24.6
    service to, disciples were prepared to take people from TDG 41.4
    settling into easy chair of, feeling sin is unavoidable OHC 76.5
    shadow of,
       between souls and Sun of Righteousness OHC 163.3
       dispelled by