EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    small, manual labor in many lines should be taught in CT 204
       needed throughout Southern States of USA 7T 235
    small agricultural, Review and Herald publishing house should be located near LS 392
    smaller, better than large ones MM 322;6T 137;
    teaching health reform, conduct Ev 534
    teaching that greatness consists in knowing God, need of MH 440
    that will not disappoint students and patrons CT 206
    where converted teachers may educate youth in Scriptures, need of CT 204
    where God’s word is basis of education, need of FE 541
8. Activities in
    chapel services morning and evening at CT 502
       should not be dry and formal CT 502
    close of, program for FE 487
    exercises of See School exercises
    festivals of rejoicing unto God should be held at CT 371
    gymnasium exercises in 5T 523
    holidays observed in CT 343-8
    lectures on prophecy needed in 3T 160
    miss. work should be done by teachers and students in 6T 189-90
    miss. work to be done in, lines of CT 545-6