EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    offering prizes and rewards in, does more harm than good CT 270
    reading of Bible in, benefit of 5T 84
       regard due to 5T 84
    religious exercises in, should not be dry, unsocial, and uninteresting FE 115
       should not be prolonged to weariness FE 115
    Sabbath meetings at FE 116;6T 174-5;
       should be well planned 6T 174-5
       should not be dry and formal CT 502
    social meetings at FE 116
    Sunday should be given to miss. work by, when Sunday laws are strictly enforced CT 550-1;9T 233, 236-8;
    threefold daily program that should be followed in FE 73
    athletic games in, objections to Ed 210-1
    ball playing See Ball playing
    baseball See Baseball
    cricket See Cricket
    distinction between, and recreation Ed 207
    exhibitions that are improper in CT 58
    football See Football
    games and exercises should not be planned by, to educate pugilists FE 220