EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
       in rural districts of Southern States of USA 7T 231
       in Southern States of USA 7T 56, 222, 231-2, 228
       in unentered areas MM 59;8T 215;9T 177;
       in various countries 6T 137-9
       in various places 5T 382;9T 170;
       in vicinity of New York City MM 308
       until God bids His people to stop 6T 440
    established at great expense for definite purpose CT 101
    establishment of: God has directed MM 188
       in new fields CT 531
       money is needed for TM 43
       solicit funds for, from persons in high positions 7T 58
    evil threatening 2SM 196
    example of united, prompt, and persistent effort for CS 263-4
    expenses of, reduced by practical methods 6T 210
    extremes to be avoided in FE 378
    facilities needed by, for training of workers for both home and foreign fields GW 75
    families who would settle near CS 240-1
    financial losses of, unwise expenditures may be causing CS 271-2;FE 510;
    flesh foods not to be served in CT 298;9T 157;