EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    form and ceremony in, do not give too much attention to CT 270
    formality makes, as marble without life CSW 152
    found wanting when they cannot find time for prayer FE 358
    fund should be created for establishing, by generous contributions CT 44-5
       in other fields 6T 477
    funds for establishing, appeal for LS 362-3
    gather SDA children into CT 166
    genuine missionaries should go out as pioneers from CT 251;MM 63;
    God calls SDA youth to enter CT 493;9T 170;
    God established CM 30;CT 493;Ev 23;FE 489;
    God expects more of, than has yet been brought forth FE 185
    God wants His people to use their means to help to start CS 45
    God will correct and bring back, if they swing into worldly conformity FE 290
    God’s instrumentalities for making Himself known to man 4T 425;6T 206;
    government of, study critically 4T 431
    grading system in, sometimes hinders student’s progress CT 177
    gymnasium in, manual training can largely take place of 5T 523
    gymnastic exercises fill a useful place in many Ed 210
    health-reform work needed in 6T 370
    higher position should be taken by, in education than that of any other institution of learning LS 220