EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Self-sacrifice 7T 215-9;9T 49-59;    [112]
    meet in, around cross of Calvary 9T 256
    ministers should show GW 454
    ministers should teach by lives of 3T 490
    more, needed in God’s work Ev 631
    much more, God’s work is to be carried forward with 7T 52, 240
    must be: maintained in order for gospel to go to all nations 7T 215
       woven into all your experience 1SM 116
    must not be carried to an extreme in gospel work Ev 90
    need of, to answer calls from foreign fields CS 55-6
    needed in mission field GW 469
    no, too great to be endured for Christ’s sake DA 565
    old-time spirit of, seldom met with 2BC 1028;MYP 303;2SM 176;
    perfection of character cannot be attained without 9T 53
    persons who draw back when they see, is required COL 279
    pioneer SDA workers manifested 7T 216
    practical, needed for good of others DA 504
    practice, in family circle DA 504
    presumptuous, in gospel work Ev 90
    principle(s) of: adopt TM 421
       let everyone work on MM 129