EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Self-sacrifice 7T 215-9;9T 49-59;    [112]
       must be kept alive in church MM 316
       Paul’s ministry was inspired by Ed 65
       rich young ruler unwilling to accept COL 393
       Satan wars against DA 223
    proper, many people do not bear the cross by 7BC 963
    remember Christ’s, to save sinners AH 382-3
    required of every child of God 4T 228;6T 449;
    Satan declared that God was unwilling to make, for others 1SM 406
    SDA institutions were founded in 7T 145
    small acts of, that flow out as fragrance from flower MB 82
    spirit of: as will rebuke worldly ambition of money worshiper is needed CS 41
       Christ anxiously waits to see, in His followers 8T 209
       early SDA institutions were characterized by 7T 217
       enfeebled by institutional workers’ demands for high wages 7T 216
       exemplify 2T 77
       failure to maintain and foster, results of PK 61
       in founding SDA institutions 2SM 215
       man who lacked 1T 692
       ministers should manifest GW 454
       pioneer SDA gospel workers manifested 7T 216-7