EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Song, Songs Ed 159-68;Ev 496-12;    [352]
       singing of simple, has more charm than singing of choir Ev 509
    converts in far-off countries will sing, of praise 7T 52
    David communed with God through, amid vicissitudes of changeful life Ed 164
    David composed, while a shepherd boy 2BC 1018;PP 637;
    David constantly sought themes for PP 642
    David expressed in, his joy for forgiveness PP 725-6
    David sang: accompanied with skillful music 4aSG 93
       as if responsive to those sung by angels in heaven PP 642
       re death of King Saul and Jonathan PP 696
       when ark of covenant was moved to Jerusalem PP 704-5;4aSG 113;
       while a shepherd boy PP 637
       while playing on harp PP 660
    David’s: exalted God as strength and deliverer of God’s people PP 716
       help in child training CG 93
       sung in Hezekiah’s time PK 333
       sung with understanding PK 203
       See also Psalm
    David’s experiences reflected in Ed 164-5;PP 724-5;
    David’s “last words” recorded in PP 754
    devotional, let voices be lifted in Ev 505;4T 71;