EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Song, Songs Ed 159-68;Ev 496-12;    [352]
       when Christ was victorious over Satan’s temptations 1SM 95
    angels sing: in heaven EW 66;PP 37;SR 25;1T 123;
       over sinners who repent COL 190, 237;SC 126;7T 16;
       when God’s people are faithful EW 39
    angels teach active church members how to raise their voices in ML 238
    angels unite in, when God’s people triumph over enemy 8T 41
    angels will join the redeemed in singing 7BC 922, 988
    angels will put, of victory into our lips 3BC 1143
    angels will sing, at second advent EW 16, 179;GC 641;LS 65-6;SD 359;2SG 32;1T 60;
    angels will welcome the redeemed to City of God by MB 100;4T 328;
    angels’: God will teach His people a strain from MB 86
       heard by Isaiah 4BC 1140
       learn now PP 289;5T 319;
    angelic choir joins with God’s people in singing AA 154
    apostles sang, of praise in homes of people DA 351-2
    Asaph’s, sung in Hezekiah’s time PK 333
    burst of, at Christ’s triumphal entry DA 571
       when ark of covenant arrived at Jerusalem PP 707-8
    catch themes of, sung by heavenly choir SD 198;6T 368;
    cherubim’s COL 197;4BC 1140;