EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    purging of, needed by many professing faith of Christ AG 249.2
    purification of,
       by faith when abiding in Christ TMK 132.2
       by Holy Spirit when Christ in heart TMK 233.4
       by obedience UL 319.6
       from moral defilement to be Lord’s temple TDG 208.2
       guided and blessed by the truth TMK 301.4
       in harmony with cleansing of sanctuary Mar 249.4
       realizing inability to do work of HP 64.4
       self-sacrifice and self-control for FW 86.3
       trifled with by stale jokes OHC 292.2
    purpose of, Christ knows TMK 203.4
    quickening from Source of power needed by UL 352.3
    ransom for,
       a Monarch dying for rebellious subjects TDG 264.5
       cost the life of the Son of God HP 192.3
       impossible for us to pay 3SM 198.3
    reach out to perishing; call attention to Lamb of God PM 310.1
       only by divine power TDG 119.2