EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       through God TDG 173.4
    receptive, although most are as before the flood LHU 353.4
    recovery of, from sin is goodness to humans and glory to God UL 169.7
    recreated by Christ and developed to completion HP 64.4
    repairing, is difficult work UL 162.6
       Christ restores, to favor with God RC 53.5
       pardoned through Christ’s death FLB 76.2
       struggles and sincerity of Mar 85.2
    requirements of, secured by pleasing God HP 24.3
    rescued in different ways HP 323.3
    resistance in, (iron) by Satan’s obscuring God’s character FW 60.3
    responsibility for,
       avoid stirring up hatred in them SW 74.1
       by one who turned them to falsehood UL 140.5
       felt by those retaining favor of God TDG 211.4
       work for them UL 71
    rest for, knowing of completeness in Christ FW 108.0
    return of, prevented by your one unconfessed sin OHC 178.3
    righteousness of Christ relied on in interest of FW 66.4