EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Spirits of devils able to foretell future events at times GC 552;SR 394;    [78]
    men often possessed by, today 2SM 353
    miracles will be wrought by SR 398
    miracles will be wrought by men under influence of 2SM 53
    most licentious and corrupt persons highly flattered by 1T 299-300
    not a few professed Christians resort to, for healing CH 454
    OT history occasionally mentions GC 513
    only safeguard against, God’s word as DA 257-8
    persons in greatest danger from influence of GC 516
    persons possessed by, not always made to suffer GC 516
    power to cast out, man who erroneously thought he had 2SM 45
    prayer for casting out DA 429-31
    present doctrines contrary to Scriptures SR 394
    put on track of every soul seeking to join Christ’s ranks 4T 595
    Samuel impersonated by PP 680
    Satan as unclean, took possession of men 2SM 353
    seducing: belief in spiritual manifestations opens door to GC 604
       careful watch should be kept against MM 90
       good reasons for warnings against, will be seen in future CT 257
       great proportion of believers supposed to be genuine will heed 6BC 1065
       have no control over persons maintaining balance of self-control and purity CT 257