EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Spirits of devils able to foretell future events at times GC 552;SR 394;    [78]
    seek to control men’s minds 2SM 53
    set aside God’s law SR 394
    shaking child shakes in two, while shaking out one 2T 365
    specially active when Christ was on earth GC 513-4
    spiritualists of today communicate with GC 556
    subject to God’s power AA 287
    try, by God’s word GC 396-7
    unclean, apostles had power over 1T 208
       Christ cast out MH 96
    whole catalogue of 4T 45
    wicked men are surrounded, influenced, and aided by 5T 199
    will manifest respect for church institutions GC 588
    will profess faith in Bible GC 588
    will urge that laws of land be obeyed as laws of God GC 591
    work of, will be accepted as manifestation of divine power GC 588
    world of, dangerous doctrines presented by pretended visitants from GC 552
       warning against pretended visitants from GC 552
    See also Demon; Devil; Satan; Spiritualism