EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

14. Miscellaneous
    adapted to all mankind PP 305
    affiliation with labor unions means disregard for 2SM 143
    all, based on great fundamental principle of love PP 305
       summed up in love to God and man DA 607
    all precepts of, God accepts nothing short of obedience to SD 57
       using God’s time and money in needless display of dress violates 4T 632
    are brief, comprehensive, and authoritative GC 639
    are: expression of principle of love DA 607
       of divine-human composition GC 6
    as: code of principles 1BC 1104-5
       constitution of kingdom of Israel PP 732
       part of God Himself EW 102
       “perfect law of liberty” GC 466
       “royal law” GC 466
    basis of covenant between God and Israel PP 348
    be loyal to, in name and in heart 4T 58
    binding on man in all ages 3T 392
    called “covenant” PP 329
    cannot be kept without love for fellow men 4T 58