EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    each precept of, contains or implies a promise 5T 445
    easily memorized ML 163;SD 39;1SM 217;
    embodied in two great commandments 2T 43
    embody God’s will PP 732
    embrace every moral precept enjoined in Bible SD 56
    enforced as supreme law of Israel PP 603
    enunciates principle of love MB 46
    erroneous idea that Christ abolished PP 365
    every moral precept enjoined in Bible was in SD 56
    faithful obedience by churches to, results of SD 194
    false doctrines re Ev 598
    far-reaching principles of PP 310
    fiery law spoken from Mt. Sinai 1SM 217
    given for instruction and government of all PP 305
    given to God’s people as blessing DA 288
    given to Israel as sacred trust for whole world PP 305
    God is Author of Te 164
    God’s character revealed by 1BC 1105
    God’s great love revealed by 1BC 1105