EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    vision re publishing of, given June 12, 1868 2T 112-3;5T 659-60;
    warning not to reject 3T 258-9
    EGW admonished to give, whether recipients hear or forbear 5T 74
    EGW did not regret having given 5T 19, 677
    EGW distressed when she had to give LS 90-1, 177;1T 62-5;3T 314;4T 14;5T 19-20, 67, 655-6;
    EGW exhorted to faithfulness in giving LS 90-1;1T 62-5;5T 655-7;
    EGW strengthened by God in work of giving 4T 14
    EGW wrote, with eyes blinded by tears 5T 77
    EGW’s duty to give, without fear 2T 604-9;5T 664-8;
    EGW’s experiences in giving 2T 14-20
    why God has given 4T 13
    will continue 4T 180
    woman who resented 2T 14-7
    work of giving, meddlesome sympathizers hindered 3T 359;4T 180, 228;
12. Opposition to
    attacks against, by ministers of other denominations Ev 259-60
    creating prejudice against, warning re 4T 232
    efforts of the rebellious to shake faith in 5T 19
    faithful warnings in, opposition to 4T 227-46
    false teachers place, in framework of error TM 42, 52