EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    object of EGW in publishing 2SG 293-4;2T 112-3;
    published for correction and reproof of other people 1T 630-2;2T 112-3, 447, 686-8;4T 13;5T 658-60;
    repeated several times to some individuals LS 200;2T 606;
    reproving secret sins, private nature of LS 177
    Satan’s plan to weaken faith in 1SM 48;2SM 78;4T 211;5T 300, 672;
    varied reactions to, by persons reproved 1T 630-1;2T 20;
    vision re publication of 2T 112
14. Rejection of
    Bold rejection of, by some SDA counselors TM 341-2
    burned by some people to whom they were sent 4T 180;5T 678;
    confidence in, lessened when church leaders reject them 5T 66
    despised and rejected: because darling sins are reproved 5T 49
       because self-complacency is disturbed 5T 49
       because they reprove sin 4T 32, 245;5T 679;
    despised because they do not coincide with men’s plans 5T 689
    despisers of: God will deal with 4T 232
       EGW slandered by 4T 14
    detached paragraphs or sentences from, misuse of 1SM 179
    man who would give up, rather than his tobacco 4T 245
    men who reject: not safe counselors 5T 412